Art Meets Fashion

Art is the conscious use of skill and creative imagination in the production of, especially aesthetic objects. Fashion is using imagination to give shape or form a prevailing style. These two definitions are similar enough to seemingly making fashion and art one and the same, but, a lot of times, this consideration hasn’t been the case. Maybe because, at times, fashion designers themselves have said that fashion and art share more of a symbiotic relationship, as two different means of creative self-expression that profit from frequent interchange, arguing that “fashion is a craft, a technical know-how and not in our opinion, an art form,” yet we don’t believe that. We believe that designers are artists and fashion is, in fact, a true form of art.
"Fashion is not necessarily about labels. It’s not about brands. It’s about something else that comes from within you."
Ralph Lauren
During our design process, we take inspiration from different cultures, periods in history, or anything that drives us and infuse those elements to create a unique MIX AND MATCH production. If you look at how our design process goes, you’ll find that we take inspiration from different cultures in every collection but the end result of each one is still a clear MIX AND MATCH aesthetic, clearly distinctive to anyone. In our latest collections, designers have drawn inspiration from artists for as long as fashion and art existed, and our designers were influenced by art itself and took to the work of several artists including one of Egypt’s most celebrated contemporary artists, Britt Boutros Ghali with whom we paired our AW21 collection.
So, what makes fashion considered art?
Like art, fashion is a way for one to express themselves, both to design or to wear. Just like two artists having different interpretations of the same thing, two people can come up with two outfits using the same clothes and colors.
Fashion, like art, is meant to inspire and innovate; fashion does not need to be displayed in museums to be considered art. It’s art that we live in on a daily basis.
Zandra Rhodes, the director of the Design Museum, put it best when she said “fashion can tell you what people wore at a certain period just as pottery can tell you what their tea parties were like. I don't think the fact that these things were designed to be practical distinguishes them from fine art.”